In Case of Emergency

Call 911 from any Mexican land line or cell phone for police, fire or medical emergencies. Operators do not speak English, so be prepared before you call. Be sure you know the name of the street you are on and the two closest cross streets, so the first responders can find you.
Here’s a list of common emergency phrases in Spanish:

Help! – ¡Auxilio!
I have an emergency – Yo tengo una emergencia
Please send help immediately – Por favor envie ayuda inmediatamente
Please send an ambulance – Por favor mandeme una ambulancia
Please send the police – Por Favor envie a la policia
Please send the firemen – Por favor envie a los bomberos
My name is – Me llamo <insert your name>
My address is – Mi dirección es calle <insert street name, number and colonia or fraccionmento>

Here’s a few other emergency numbers you might need:
Electricity: 071, Telephone: 050, Water: 073, Highway assistance: 078
Port Captain: 612-122-0243, Federal Police/Highway Patrol: 612-122-0369