OK, so you’ve arrived in La Paz and you have a pocket full of Mexican currency. What’s all that stuff really worth?
Currently, the conversion rate is hovering around 20 to 1, so an easy mental conversion is to divide pesos by 2 and then divide by 10. A 50 peso bill would be:
50 / 2 = 25 / 10 = $2.50. For more exact values see the table below, which is updated every time you open or refresh this page.
5 peso coin = $0.24 10 peso coin = $0.49 20 peso bill = $0.97 50 peso bill = $2.43 100 peso bill = $4.86 200 peso bill = $9.71 500 peso bill = $24.28
(The above calculations are based on the current exchange rate of 20.60 to 1)