Our Mission

The mission of LaPazLinks.com is to provide online access to the services most commonly requested by newcomers to our city. These include government and public utility contacts, emergency services and places to get those “must have” items, whether you’re setting up housekeeping for a week or forever. We’ve also included a few of our favorite eating places, but this site is not intended to be a complete directory of restaurants, hotels or other local businesses because there are other sites that do an excellent job of providing such information.

We expect your stay to be a safe one, but emergency services operators do not speak English so we’ve included a short list of phrases for you to use, should the need arise.

Dialing telephone numbers from within Mexico has become much easier in recent years, but we’ve included a comprehensive list of dialing rules for your reference. You will also find the instructions your NOB (north of the border) friends will need to follow if they call Mexican telephone numbers. Please read this important note about using US and Canadian cellphones in Mexico.

And, lastly, we’ve provided a way for you to suggest listings we may have missed. However, please keep in mind that it is not our intent to list every taco stand in La Paz – our focus is on the unique needs of new arrivals.